Connecting to Your True Creative Self
Learn What Feeds Your CreativityConnecting to Your True Creative Self
“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.” -Albert Einstein
Is there something inside of you that is calling you to use your own voice and to write something that is deeply personal and meaningful to you…something that excites and inspires you…something that you really believe in? Do you long to connect with your creativity in a way that enables you to write from this place?
I believe that each and every one of us has our own, distinct way of seeing things, experiencing things and interpreting things. We are all creative and each of us has a story to tell. Sometimes though, we lose our connection to our creativity and when this happens, our ability to express ourselves with a voice that is truly our own, gets blocked.
What is your True Creative Self? It is not what’s projected onto you from others, but what genuinely wants to be created through you via your own, unique voice. And this is the key! It is by finding Your Voice that you connect to Your Creativity.
In order to re-connect to this part of ourselves, we need to go inward and uncover those things that hold real heart and meaning for us and to become consciously aware of what our core values are and what inspires us. Knowing this and owning this about ourselves liberates us from the constraints of other peoples’ opinions, judgements and values; and when we are free to be more of who we really are, who we really want to be, and we follow what we really believe in, we become present to the authentic power and joy of our own presence and this opens the floodgates to our True Creative Self.
Because horses have an amazing ability to increase our self-awareness through their sensitivity to our energy, they help ground us and keep us attentive to what is real and honest within ourselves. They have a masterful ability to reflect back to us our emotional states and reveal what is often hidden or unconscious in us. Working with horses is a very experiential process that often accelerates the learning by making it such a visceral experience.
In this workshop, we will be partnering with the horses in some on-the-ground activities, as well as completing some short, fun writing exercises. In this workshop, you will:
Learn how to use your body as a sensing device.
Gain greater self-awareness about what your core values include.
Explore ways the horses tap into your energy and reflect it back to you.
Gain greater connection to your Creative Self.
This is a one-day workshop from 9AM to 5PM. Includes drinks, snacks, gourmet lunch and all workshop materials. This program is limited to six participants. All activities with the horses are on the ground (no riding activities). No previous horse experience is necessary. Hard, closed toed boots or shoes are required.
Price: $265.00 per person.
What's included with this class?

No Horse Experience Needed

A Gorgeous Getaway From the City

Closed Toed Shoes Required

9:30A to 5:00P Workshop

All Materials Provided

Snacks, Drinks and Lunch Provided!