Relax and Re-energize Your Spirit

Welcome to our Ranch

Welcome to Roane Ranch

Indigo Equine Workshops are offered exclusively at Roane Ranch in beautiful Agua Dulce California. Come and enjoy our tranquil atmosphere where you can fall asleep in the grass, under the shade of a softly swaying pepper tree, or close your eyes and listen to the sound of our gently bubbling pond. (Unless of course, Gracie, our water-loving German Shepherd is searching for catfish.) Take a seat alongside our acre paddock and enjoy watching the antics of our Indigo Herd, or take a little walk through our Oak Tree Grove where you just might run into a rabbit or two. We are literally just walking distance from breathtaking Vasquez Rocks and we are located just 40 minutes from Los Angeles. Although really, we’re a world away!

Photograpy by Rick Del Carmen

See you at the Ranch!

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Indigo Equine © 2018